Take Time for a 24-Hour Holiday Re-Boot

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.” —Oprah Winfrey In business, we are always in the pursuit of improvement: having more, being better, going faster, doing things cheaper, and so on. As a result, when you take the time sit back and look at business life you can see an underlying theme: the constant pressure that … Read more

Communication Salmonella – Tips to Avoid Serving Undercooked Information

Why is it that we know we shouldn’t serve up undercooked meat, but we struggle with serving up undercooked information? This past weekend, my family came into the house and were welcomed with the delectable aroma of something baking in the oven. It wasn’t anything fancy – a nice little baked chicken recipe I was trying out. For the next … Read more

Flying In The Face of Data: Why The Logical Choice Isn’t Always The Right Choice

In a world where everyone has virtually unlimited information at their fingertips, we are living in the most data-driven society ever imagined. Whether it be through an online price calculator, or comparing products side-by-side on Amazon, or just looking up facts on Google, people consult data to answer seemingly every question. And why not? Instant access to loads of data … Read more

How to Measure and Evaluate Organization Transformation Effectiveness

measuring organization change

Organization change is a big and complex undertaking. It is easy to get caught up in the process itself, especially when the transformation takes place over the course of months or years. But ultimately, it’s essential to stay focused on the reason for the change. At some point, the time comes to evaluate the changes you have made as an … Read more

Two Reasons to Take A Process Approach to Organization Design

In art and art education circles, there is an ongoing debate around the concept of Process vs. Product. The conventional approach focuses on the end product as the ultimate goal. Process art, on the other hand, emphasizes the creative journey—and proponents of this approach claim that it fosters self-confidence and creative problem solving, and ultimately results in a final product … Read more

Using Agile Ways of Working to Keep Corporate Functions in Alignment

Corporate Functions

Functions within an organization can often take on an interesting dynamic. While they have immense capacity to influence the customer experience as well as the general welfare of the company, no one chooses to do business with a company based solely on the work or services of a function.  Whether it is HR, finance, IT, or any other, the sole … Read more

3 Keys to Effective Strategic Planning

Diversified team discusses 3 keys to effective strategic planning

It’s mid November: the home stretch of the year. In addition to all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, this is when many companies buckle down to do their strategic planning for the year ahead. Effective strategic planning doesn’t happen by accident. As you prepare for your planning sessions this year, there are three strategic planning principles we would … Read more

Choosing Change Agents: It’s Not All About Position

Choosing Change Agents

One of the keys to success in an organization transformation is having the right people involved. Before any of the work can be done around planning and implementing change, it’s important to gain clarity on the roles involved and who will fill them. A common assumption in organizations when choosing change agents is that because a person holds a position … Read more