Fine-tune the Linkages in Your Organization Structure


Formal organization structure gets a lot of attention from leaders and organizations, but an often under emphasized aspect of structure is linkages.  Linkages are the informal mechanisms or structures that facilitate decision making, resource sharing, and work coordination across organizational boundaries. They are often necessary because the formal structure of an organization doesn’t always facilitate how work happens or needs … Read more

Ensuring Clean Hand-Offs in Organization Transformation

Organization Transformation

The idea of “passing the baton” in a relay race is often used as a metaphor for the handoffs that occur as work moves from one person or function of a business to the next. These transitions are critical junctures in organization transformation; being able to manage organization design “baton passes” well is one of the hallmarks of a successful … Read more

Information – The Lifeblood of Organizations

Information & Metrics

Recently, I was with an organization that was doing some benchmarking, and we visited the sites of several companies with strong capabilities in supply chain systems and analytics. As I observed the analytical capabilities and listened to the discussions, I thought about the Information & Metrics side of the organization cube. What became very obvious during our visits is that … Read more

The Most Neglected Aspect of Organization Design

Information & Metrics

When we are involved in major transformations, one of the first discussions leaders are eager to get into is the structure discussion . . . the new organization chart.  Leaders also give enthusiastic consideration to the major business processes of the organization. In fact, leaders easily see the wisdom of aligning all the “sides of the cube,” as we say … Read more

Internal Capability Building for Org Design: Bridging the Experience Gap

Capability Building

Every organization likes to build muscles around their ability to facilitate organization transformation. Internal capability building in disciplines such as organization design, change management, and program or project management is an excellent way to do this. However, we must take care to bridge the gap between theory and practice when training people in these disciplines. We recently conducted training with … Read more

Want Execution? Then Facilitate Strategy Deployment

Strategy Deployment

Good strategy is essential for any organization. So is taking action on that strategy, but successful implementation of strategy must be managed appropriately. One of the dynamics we often observe in organizations is that strategy is not always well cascaded through the organization. In too many organizations, it’s common to hear broad aspirational statements coming from leaders focused on broad … Read more

How to Build Your Team for Good Decision Making

In theory, if you put a diverse group of people together, they will think diverse thoughts. They will be creative, they will be additive to one another, and they will ultimately come up with a better solution, because the sum of the parts will be greater than any one part. But unfortunately, good decision making doesn’t always happen in a … Read more

Organization Design for the Gig Economy

Finding good people has always been a challenge for many organizations. Now, in an economy that has been described as a “war for top talent,” the search for competent workers has taken on an even more urgent tone. Yet, many companies are overlooking a large pool of talented professionals that could help alleviate this talent shortage. Today, an estimated 11% … Read more

Building Breakthrough Thinking Into Organization Design

Innovative thinking

To remain competitive in a changing market, organizations must continually strive to deliver more value at less cost. While incremental changes are often necessary and can be very helpful, a company will usually not make great leaps ahead without some measure of breakthrough innovation. But, how does one build innovation into organization design? Often, the organization design process is centered … Read more