Better Utilize Change Agents in Your Change Transformation

Change Agents

In order to successfully navigate through a change transformation, businesses need key people to help push the change forward and integrate the new concepts into the organization. These change agents play an essential part in the change transformation as they communicate, implement, and help spread the change throughout the organization.  To be effective, however, change agents need training, work to … Read more

The Equation for Measuring Change Transformation Success

Transformation leaders discuss the equation for measuring change success

Measurement is an essential activity to ascertain the success of a process or an activity. However, assessing the effectiveness of a change transformation is not always as straight-forward or simple as reading outcome data or waiting for a position in the market to change. Although metrics such as milestones and target headcount are important, they give only a partial picture … Read more

Ensuring Organization Design Effectiveness When Implementing Organizational Change

Organization Design Effectiveness

There is a practical approach and sequence to alignment when implementing organizational change. It may be tempting to zero in where a problem is surfacing, but by following these steps you can ensure that you align everything from top to bottom (strategy to rewards). Let’s walk through each step of the organization design and the change management process: Diagnosis > … Read more

10 Benefits of an Aligned Organization

Aligned Organization

Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve perfect organization alignment; however, the better aligned the organization the more you can realize the benefits above. Sure, alignment is an investment of time and money, but in today’s competitive marketplace it is hard to ignore the benefits of true organization alignment.

Executive Insights: What Will It Take to Implement Your Design?

Organization Design Implementation

Developing a new organization design requires a lot of work, time, and resources, but it can also be exciting to move in a different direction to improve the organization.  In the excitement, we want to implement the new design quickly but often without knowing the effort, steps, or even amount of time it will take. What does it take to … Read more

From Organization Design to Implementation: How Do You Get There?

Organization Design Implementation

In a relay or multi-stage race, often the competition is won or lost as a result of how effectively the individual or team manages their transitions or hand-offs. The same can be said of organization design as a company moves from the definition of a winning strategy, to a differentiated organization design, and finally to a successful and sustainable implementation. … Read more

Effective Change Leadership Requires Action

Change Leader

Today, top level executives have more pressure than ever to deliver differentiated products and winning strategies to the marketplace. Much of the overall design vision and ability to give clients what they need before they themselves know it, rests squarely on the shoulders of executives. This responsibility, among other things, means that a leader can make a difference between a … Read more

CHRO Insights: Keys to Leading Transformational Change

Leading Transformational Change

At the HR Policy Association CHRO Summit, I had a chance to have lunch with the former CHRO of Procter & Gamble, Dick Antoine. Dick is also the former National Academy of Human Resources President. As a fellow professional charged with helping organizations design, implement and sustain transformational change, I was curious to hear his top three learnings from the … Read more