4 Keys to Managing Your Change Implementation Journey

In the initial stages of an organization redesign, enthusiasm often runs high. Everyone is excited to brainstorm new ideas and develop new solutions for solving problems or issues in ways that are more effective, efficient, and profitable. But as important as the organization design process is, and as much work … Read more

4 Key Change Management Principles Successful Leaders Must Master

leadership in change management

Manage change—or it will manage you. Leaders in today’s organizations are faced with this reality on a regular, if not daily, basis. In a rapidly changing world, the health of an organization depends on its ability to respond timely and appropriately to emerging opportunities, new threats, and societal and marketplace … Read more

Change Management in an Agile Organization

Change Management

More and more companies are adapting Agile methods and principles in the way they work. However, most change management practices have evolved out of linear ways of working (like project management or waterfall development), not from Agile ways of working. So, what happens when an organization begins to operate in … Read more