A Clear Strategy is Key to Digital Transformation Success
The guidelines outlined here can be an effective roadmap to help drive a successful digital transformation.
The guidelines outlined here can be an effective roadmap to help drive a successful digital transformation.
Consider these steps and strategies to better manage the many moving parts of journey management to achieve a successful digital transformation.
Using Agile principles in a digital transformation will improve efficiency, effectiveness, and the quality of the work product.
Going digital can be a powerful move for an organization, but it must be done strategically. Good strategy doesn’t necessarily change just because the world is becoming more digital.
Leveraging digital transformation in ways that transform experiences, create exponential improvements, are highly scalable, and expedite progress could result in revolutionary changes for your organization.
The idea of “passing the baton” in a relay race is often used as a metaphor for the handoffs that occur as work moves from one person or function of a business to the next. These transitions are critical junctures in organization transformation; being able to manage organization design “baton … Read more
A Center of Expertise (COE) is set up to deliver specialized services or capabilities for a business. A properly set up internal COE for implementing organization change can help an organization handle change more smoothly, efficiently, and cost effectively. The critical first step in setting up a successful organization transformation … Read more
Digital technologies—not just hardware, but data, artificial intelligence, networks, social platforms, and other digital applications—are rapidly and profoundly changing the way we do business. More and more companies of all sizes and in all industries are engaging in digital transformation as a way to more seamlessly and intuitively design customer … Read more
Digitization has become a must for organizations that want to stay relevant in today’s marketplace. Digitizing streamlines many of the day-to-day operations of a business, allowing it to offer seamless delivery of value both internally and externally with customers. To digitize an organization is simple in concept, but that simplicity … Read more
Digital transformation is receiving a lot of press as businesses relentlessly redefine how they deliver value and relate with customers. The question that needs to be asked is, “How will digital transformation produce value and differentiation for my organization? In the midst of increased digital transformation “noise,” strategic and organization … Read more