How to Develop a Continuous Success Approach to Organization Design

Organization Design

In the organization design field, we often use the phrase, “Organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they’re getting.” In other words, if you want different results you have to change some aspect of your organization design. This principle has led to some big trends in the marketplace that … Read more

How Do You Use Agile Principles in Organization Design?

Agile Organization Design

An Agile organization is one where leaders have thoughtfully embedded Agile principles into the ways the organization works. The benefits of Agile can be significant, and organizations are exploring how to change traditional ways of working (e.g., project management, life cycle management, etc.) into Agile ways of working (e.g., Scrum, … Read more

Is Inaction Undermining Your Organization Transformation?

Throughout the process of organization transformation, leaders often reach points where they must decide when (or whether) to step in and take action, versus sitting back and allowing a situation to play itself out. There are times when the wisest course of action is inaction. However, in many cases inaction … Read more

How Healthy is Your Organization?

A healthy organization is efficient, resilient, and supports positive relationships both internally and with its external stakeholders, with all parts operating effectively toward a common goal. Organizational health is a measure of how well a company functions, as well as its long-term viability and potential for growth. Just as symptoms … Read more

Organization Change at the Speed of Business

Organizational Change

Resource availability is one of the built-in challenges of managing organizational change. For successful change transformation to occur, leaders and teams must learn to work effectively within the constraints of resource limitations. Limiting resources vary from one organization to the next, but the scarcest resource of all for many is … Read more

How to Do Strategic Business Planning at the Speed of the Market

Strategic Business Planning

Most companies approach the strategic business planning process as an annual ritual starting mid-year and lasting three to four months, to identify how to allocate resources for the coming year. Once they’ve turned in the plan and gotten approval, many leaders set planning aside and turn back to discussions that … Read more

Overcoming the OE Talent Shortage

organization effectiveness

Over the past few decades, more and more organizations have established internal organization effectiveness (OE) groups and capabilities, with the idea that OE groups can help them restructure, manage change, and optimize business performance. Each OE group approaches the task uniquely. Some provide hands-on consulting services; others build out a … Read more