Do Best Practices Drive Organization Strategy?

Organization Strategy

Ever gone to a conference and heard stories from other great organizations about the innovative practices they are implementing?  Ever come away from those conferences thinking, “How can I help our organization become an industry leader in such-and-such a practice?”  If you have experienced these thoughts, you are not alone … Read more

How to Pivot Your Business Model to Create and Deliver a Platform

platform business model

Companies that successfully offer well-established platforms to their customers (like Apple, Airbnb, Uber, and Amazon) continue to receive a lot of attention and with good reason. Their platform business models have allowed them to gain greater market share, establish an ecosystem of goods/services, and offer differentiated experiences to their customers. … Read more

Designing a Digital Transformation to Create True Organizational Value

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is receiving a lot of press as businesses relentlessly redefine how they deliver value and relate with customers.  The question that needs to be asked is, “How will digital transformation produce value and differentiation for my organization? In the midst of increased digital transformation “noise,” strategic and organization … Read more

Are You Truly Co-Creating Your Organization Design?

Organization Design

Leveraging your executive team to co-create or co-design your organization is an organization design best practice. It creates buy-in from the organization, facilitates change management efforts, helps eliminate blind spots in the design, and ultimately creates a more competitive organization. For most executives and leaders that we work with, they … Read more

Strategic Organizational Best Practices–Friend or Foe?

Best Practices

Best practices can be a powerful tool to help organizations improve their marketplace performance, differentiate their business, and help functions become more effective and efficient. However, best practices can also cause the opposite. Essentially, the constant quest for industry best practices can, at times, actually lead to less differentiation, effectiveness … Read more

It’s a Question of Time: How Do You Implement Strategy Faster?


We all want quicker results. The faster we can implement our strategy the sooner we can reap the rewards and respond to shifting marketplace demands. But those involved in any strategic change initiative like an organization redesign or business model change know that speed is not easy to achieve. Strategic … Read more

Organization Alignment, the Key to Resource Optimization

Resource Optimization

How do I optimize my resources? It is the perennial question for today’s businesses. Our philosophy is that aligned organizations can better optimize their resources to create both great efficiencies as well as desired growth. To accomplish both of these objectives, businesses must consider a more holistic approach to organization … Read more