The Elements of Organization Design Success in Today’s Dynamic Market

How do you know if you have a good business model? In simple terms, it should solve a problem for your customer. Obviously there’s more to it than that. Your business model conceptualizes how your organization will create value for customers. There are three elements that need to be in … Read more

Enabling Executives to Find the Right Organization Design

organization design

Organization design: What does it mean? Why does your organization need it? How do you find the one that will support your goals? The selection of the right organization design is a real challenge for today’s leaders – but an important one to tackle. Take the process for granted and … Read more

Strategic Business Planning: Is Your Innovation Strategy Adequate?

Innovation Strategy

A recent survey of 246 CEOs worldwide found that 64% believe innovation and operational effectiveness carry equal importance for their companies’ success. More than half stated that innovation was a priority and they were adept at generating new ideas and approaches. We recently worked with a large company’s research and … Read more

Executing a Winning Organization Strategy

Organization Strategy

Companies seeking to gain market share have to execute an organization strategy that allows them to differentiate and win in the marketplace. There are many ways for organizations to differentiate. These may include, but are not limited to: Great customer service Most innovate product offerings Most convenient delivery method Best … Read more

Using Organizational Alignment to Absorb Complexities


Competition has changed the corporate landscape and the way we must do business. Differentiation in the marketplace used to be much simpler: focus on making a great product or providing an improved or much-needed service. Those days are gone. Today, products themselves have become undeniably similar and struggle to deliver … Read more

Assembling the Right People for Strategic Business Planning

Strategic Business Planning

Having the right people on your strategic business planning team is essential for achieving desired results. Leaders should include people who are aligned with the organization’s goals. It is also advisable to have people on your strategic business planning team who understand and agree with the logic used in making … Read more

High-Stakes Conversations

Organizations often have their own specific third rails—sensitive topics that are so highly charged that no one feels they can survive trying to address a problem or change needed. Sometimes these are long overdue changes where a powerful executive shuts down discussion. And so the organization continues irrationally behaving the … Read more

Cost Cutting Should be Strategy Driven

So you have to make cuts. Make sure they’re the right cuts. “Here I am—most unwelcome, I know. Against my own will, too, since no one loves a messenger who brings with him bad news.” Sophocles’ play Antigone expresses well the distaste of delivering bad news. It’s one of the toughest parts of being a leader. And often the bad news is that costs must be cut.