Managing Transformation


Partner with Us Managing the Transformation Journey AlignOrg


Partner with Us

Want to be in the ranks of the 30% of change efforts that succeed?

Managing change in the context of organization design and transformation has unique applications.

You may be simultaneously attempting to transform:

  • disconnected work flows
  • unclear resource allocation
  • role confusion
  • productivity problems
  • difficulty hitting KPIs
  • lengthy decision-making processes
  • recently merged companies
AlignOrg Managing Transformation AlignOrg Joan

Transformation journey management begins the moment a leader decides to assess and redesign their organization, and we will be there right alongside you.

Through our Managing Transformation service, we help you master the transformation journey.

While redesigning its retail channel to combat competition, Benjamin Moore’s IT leadership
needed to improve how resources supported the strategic direction. With our change management plans, they implemented a redesign that minimized employee productivity losses, limited voluntary turnover, and enhanced performance. Read the Case Study

Managing Transformation is correlated with the final phase of the AlignOrg Method: Implementation & Sustainability

This in-depth process takes into account:

  • How to effectively manage the change
  • How people get into their new roles
  • How the organization starts executing new work processes
  • How to enable productivity through technology
AlignOrg Model 5

You can stop after the macro & micro design phases, though you will only be 30% of the way to full transformation. What you do with the other 70% of change management efforts is where the true change will occur.

Change management is a critical part of organization design.

It is infiltrated into everything we do, and it begins early in the process.

We do organization design work at the speed of your business,
creating an organization alignment roadmap tailored to your company.

Connect to discuss your organization transformation journey today.

Manage Your Transformation